Open House Day

December 17, 2024


How to get to the university

Prague University of Economics and Business [Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze

Winston Churchill Sq. 1938/4 [Náměstí Winstona Churchilla 1938/4]

130 67 Prague 3

Czech Republic


Campus Plan and 3D Plan

The main campus of the Prague University of Economics and Business is located in the part of the city called Prague 3 – Žižkov, where a crucial part of teaching activities takes place (view a Google map of the Žižkov campus). At this campus, all the departments, the dean’s offices and study departments are situated. The campus can be most conveniently reached from

  • Hlavní nádraží (main railway and metro station): walking – about 10 min or by tram no. 5, 9, 15 or 26 to the stop Viktoria Žižkov
  • Florenc (bus/metro station): by bus no. 135 to the stop Náměstí Winstona Churchilla
  •     Jiřího z Poděbrad (metro station): by bus no. 101 to the stop Náměstí Winstona Churchilla

Closest underground/metro stations:

  • line A (green): MůstekMuzeum and Flora
  • line B (yellow): MůstekNáměstí Republiky and Florenc
  • line C (red): MuzeumHlavní nádraží and Florenc

Plan your journey using the Prague Public Transport Company’s (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy) tool: Find a connection

Admission Office

Feel free to contact us for any general question about the admission procedure at VSE.
For more specific questions, contact the Coordinators of respective Programmes or visit the Programmes’ websites.


T: +420 224 098 527

Room RB 527 (RB = Rajská budova; 5th floor)

Visiting Hours

If you would like to schedule an appointmentplease contact us at

Admission Office

Marta Hochmal
Marta Hochmal

Marta is international degree programmmes coordinator and during the Open House Day she will be answering your questions on admission procedures and other general questions about VŠE.